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A Call to Repent and

Return to the Fear of the Lord

2 Chronicles 7:14
September 22nd 2024
4:00am (Pacific) | 7:00am (EST)


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- free, no registration required!

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On behalf of International Prayer Connect and World Prays we would like to invite you to join with millions around the world to pray for America on September 22nd.

Watch the Invitation Video


Global Day of Prayer for America
Sun 22nd September 2024 – 4am (PAC) | 7am (EST)
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This is a key moment in our nation’s history. We are in desperate times and in need of another Great Awakening – a Christ awakening where God's Spirit would use God’s Word to re-awaken God’s people back to God’s Son for all that He is!

We will gather online to pray together with various prayer leaders from many nations!

We will Pray for:

  • Jesus to be exalted in our nation
  • the church to ‘return to our first love’
  • our upcoming elections
  • God to restrain lawlessness
  • our families and campuses
  • religious freedom
  • a return to the ‘fear of the Lord’
  • John 17 oneness among God’s people – only a united church can heal a divided nation
  • cry out for a revival and awakening in America

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chron 7:14

In partnership with many networks, including:
